showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardlanguage
RoboBlitz Microsoft Game Studios (Naked Sky Entertainment)2006enlabelminimizeminimize
Resident Evil 5  Capcom2009en, jplabelimagesubject
Mini Ninjas Eidos Interactive (IO Interactive)2009en, fr, de, it, splabelimagesubject
Batman: Arkham City Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment;Square Enix (Rocksteady Studios)2011enlabelimageminimize
Mark of the Ninja Microsoft Game Studios (Klei Entertainment)2012enlabelimageminimize
XCOM: Enemy Unknown 2K Games (Firaxis Games)2012enlabelimageminimize
Hitman: Absolution  Square Enix (IO Interactive)2012enlabelimageminimize
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014en, fr, de, it, splabelminimizeminimize
Legend of Korra Activision (Platinum Games)2014enlabelminimizeminimize